
The Beatles/Priscilla Ahn.

I'm currently girl-crushing on this lovely lady.

-and covering The Beatles. amazing.

{via girl in a tree}


job well done mr. scorsese.

I took a trip down to the cinemas last night with Vesna & Stephanie to see the new Scorsese flick Shutter Island and despite all the bad reviews and my tendancy to cry/freak out/drop my popcorn in every thriller I loved it! Some may have got more out of it than others, {Stephanie's opinion of the film in it's two hour-or so entirety: 'that was a bit strange'} but the consensus was good all 'round. I have also decided that children + unsettling music really make for an uneasy Kamaia. Give me old people any day but kids give me the creeps, especially the there-but-not-really-there kind. gaaaah.


I'm feeling alot like a Venn diagram lately. y'know what I mean? like your life is sorted into little organised circles? it would seem that whenever one circle is doing good, the other is turning into mush. Maybe i'm being super introspective and perhaps 'growing up' or maybe i've just ate one to many chocolate chip cookies and listened to Sigur ros a little longer than usual.



dear superbowl

I don't understand the game but boy, do i love your commercial breaks.

Very mushy and all things cutesy but i like it - and my fondness for it may be related to the fact that i google everything.
No 'bing-ing' from this girl i can assure you.
{via swissmiss}


february tunes.

i've been meaning to make a new playlist for a fair while now, seeing as my last was a little, no alot on the folk-sy side
i thought i'd post the one's that get turned up loud. new & mostly old.
{i will admit, i had to stop myself from making it a playlist with nothing other than my favourite frenchies, Phoenix, but there's always next time!}

ps. have you seen Vampire Weekend's session on La Blogotheque? Love.


hi rye.

i love camping!
and i also have a newfound appreciation for aloe vera and its ability to relieve sunburn now.
good times.

{i don't know why the image is so grainy but here's me and vikche livin' it up on the pier}


for your information.

i've gone a-camping with Stephanie, Vesna and Viktoria.

Be back in a few!
{image via weheartit}

vanishing point.

Vanishing Point from Bonsajo on Vimeo.